2023-12-14 09:47

Big5Global EXPO Dubai. Video

Virsign demonstrated the Remote Crane Control system at Big5Global, Dubai. Check out the video. Our crane operator workstation was open for all visitors to try out. Also, we demonstrated our unique MixedReality Control System.

We have integrated our crane simulator into a remote workstation for interactive demonstrations at the exhibition. The same simulator is used to train crane operators to work with Virsign Remote Crane Control in metallurgy.

Virsign Remote Crane Control gives a lot of benefits at once:

· Removing people from harmful conditions, creating a comfortable workplace

· Reducing costs by controlling multiple cranes from a single workstation

· Increasing efficiency with augmented reality technology

· Improving overall work safety with anti-collision protection and human recognition algorithms

We are grateful to Dubai Municipalityfor supporting our participation in the exhibition!